Recently I visited a neighbour island Dominica (do not confuse it with the Dominican Republic). The island is very green and lush and with lots of rainforest. The ecolodge (banana lama ecovillage) where we stayed was growing their own cacao so Andy, the owner, showed me how to process the raw cacao.DOMINICAN TEA CULTUREI read an article about Dominican Cacao Tea and … [Read more...]
Kale, green superfood!
When it comes to greens, kale is one of the healthiest choices. But more than having a very high nutritional value, it is quite delicious too. As a leafy green vegetable, kale is available in three varieties: ornamental, dinosaur, and curly. Kale belongs to the family of cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and collard greens. Kale is very rich in vitamins, minerals and … [Read more...]
Fruity water
At the moment it is very hot and humid on the island. That means that we need to drink a lot of water.But a lot of people and especially children, find drinking water boring so I want to give you some ideas to pimp your water.The tapwater on the island is Reverse Osmosis RO) water. Since most mineral particles (including sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron) are larger … [Read more...]
Fragnant Basil
Basil is one of the most popular herbs to cook with so I want to give you some ideas on how to use basil other then in your pasta dishes or pesto. Basil is a versatile and widely used aromatic herb. Basil is an annual plant that is easy to grow from seed but is very sensitive to cold. The plant grows well in warm climates and is widely used throughout southern Europe, … [Read more...]